
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in travel, food, extraterrestrial encounters, and sustainable living. Hope you have a nice stay!

Journal Entry 6/23/24

Journal Entry 6/23/24


They say there is much beauty and magic in simple moments; the magic of the mundane and ordinary days.

Today is Sunday, a day that has become quite special to me since I moved here.

Sundays (my day off) have become my day of exploration around Sedona. It is a time for me to walk the farmers market, share recipes and conversation with my local farmers, visit Peace Park, and the local vegan cafe.

The longer I live here, the more I learn about this land and the people that were here before they built apartment complexes and air b and b’s.

What a beautiful land this is, whose very essence fills my soul.

I write this blog post from a table outside a cafe. I am surrounded by chirping birds and the Merlin statue stands guard.

I will be back here in a few hours for the monthly MUFON meeting. I always find it ironic that we must pass Merlin and his chair to reach our meeting point. The meeting point where like minded people gather to discuss all things cosmic, galactic, and inter dimensional with a good meal.

I feel quite blessed in this moment.

This morning I shared breakfast with a friend who is helping me see more deeply into the magic of our world, into the magic that exists within me.

I had not even realized how much I had lost myself over the last year and half, only to find myself again by following my souls true north. By following my souls song.

I am grateful for poetry, and for the words that flow from my being as I type. I feel creative and expansive, and mystical.

Perhaps it is Merlin, or perhaps it is just who I am. Perhaps it is who we all are.

Either way, I do not take my existence lightly.

I needed to take this moment to write down the small moments of today, I hope one day I can look back on this moment and be reminded of how beautiful everything is.

It is magic for us to connect with others, and share love.

It is magic for us to laugh and share wonder.

It is magic for us to create.

I am surrounded by beautiful humans whose soul emits magic with every step and breath they take; and I am honored to learn from them.

I hope I can remind others of the beauty that shines within their soul, as many friends and strangers have done for me this day.

Together may we laugh

Together may we create

Together may we shine

Together may we be the change we wish to see in this world

Merlin reminds me that this life is an adventure and a gift.

Together may we remember.

Sending you love,


For more information on The Sedona MUFON chapter - check out https://sedonamufon.org

Buddha Bowls

Buddha Bowls