
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in travel, food, extraterrestrial encounters, and sustainable living. Hope you have a nice stay!

Walnut Milk

Walnut Milk

Let’s talk about walnuts

Walnuts are quite the superfood, and relatively cheaper than other nuts out there. These brain shaped nuts are packed with antioxidants. They are also significantly higher in omega-3 fats and polyphenols than any other nut. They are known to support brain function, decrease inflammation within the body, promote a healthy gut biome, reduce the risk of diabetes, and lower blood pressure!

By eating just a few walnuts in the morning you can boost your energy and your memory. These bad boys are the perfect brain food!! Nature really gave us an easy indicator with that one.

Walnut milk is so simple, easy, and comes together quickly. Add to smoothies or cereal for a creamy high nutrition breakfast!


  • 1 cup walnuts soaked overnight

  • 4 cups filtered water

  • 1 date

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • Small pinch of salt

Blend in food processor or blender for 1-3 minutes. Walnuts should be mostly pulp at this point and well incorporated. Strain mixture through a mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Pour milk in large mason jar or container.

This recipe makes about a quart, I recommend doubling the recipe if you go through it fast! This will last up to a week in the fridge.

Don’t waste the pulp!! Check out my breakfast cookie recipe:

Kale & Tomato Pesto Pasta

Kale & Tomato Pesto Pasta

Coconut Walnut Breakfast Cookies

Coconut Walnut Breakfast Cookies